Leaders are readers, and readers are writers. Join me as I share with you perspectives, encouraging thoughts, commentary on culture and faith while providing some essential leadership advice. Counsel that will benefit both individuals and organizations. As you read, if anything resonates with you, then leave a comment, and please share the post with others!

My Dark Hope
In recent years I’ve learned two things about myself. First, despite many reasons to remain negative, I’m relentlessly hopeful. Over time, a product of my

Book Review: Personality and Worldview
As a seminary graduate trained in two different personality assessments (The Four Lenses and DISC), I found Personality and Worldview by J.H. Bavinck a welcomed

Advice That Will “Move” You!
Throughout my life, I’ve moved more times than I care. Believe it or not, I’ve moved a staggering 23 times before college and even more

Army Strong Verses You Healthy
For years a mantra for the Army was, “Army Strong!” This phrase is spoken daily by those who train to fight our nation’s wars. The

Book Review: The Heritage of Anglican Theology (By J.I. Packer)
Having attended a Baptist seminary I became very familiar with Leon McBeth’s book A Baptist Heritage. The 800+ page text teaches one about Baptist history,

Reconciliation Reconsiderations
One of the first books I read in seminary encouraged us to reconcile with others in our past. The author’s insisted that we are only