Book Review: The Heritage of Anglican Theology (By J.I. Packer)


Having attended a Baptist seminary I became very familiar with Leon McBeth’s book A Baptist Heritage. The 800+ page text teaches one about Baptist history, while sharing insights about other denominations too. Sure, it has its flaws, but no book is perfect. Despite its imperfections, it would be great if each Christian denomination had texts that summarize its history like A Baptist Heritage. Fortunately, for someone curious about Anglicanism, An Anglican Heritage is similar as it offers a wide view history of Anglicanism. 

Every organization has a story. Christian churches and denominations are no different. An Anglican Heritage by JI Packer tells the historical journey the worldwide Anglicanism. From its infancy, to its subgroups, to themes that could unite Anglicans this book if people will hear Packer’s acceptance of multiple strains within Anglicanism. Those who adhere that their way is the only version of Anglicanism will fail to appreciate the differences, while rejecting some of the history found within this book. 

All organizations have a foundational and institutional DNA. Anglicanism is similar to other denominations who are riddled with conflict and competing factions. Thought An Anglican Heritage, Packer showcases the different groups that have and still exist within worldwide Anglicanism. From chronicling the monarchs, to Puritan influence, to revivalism, to the Oxford movement, to modern Anglican influences one gets a big picture, yet detailed view of Anglicanism without getting overwhelmed with information. 

Additionally, due to Packer’s charitable posture towards most Anglicans one should walk away with an orthodox freedom to work with others across its church heritage. A shared unity that reaches back to the church Fathers all through out the history of Christianity. A unity that’s not to be confused with modern progressive theology, but historical beliefs that are throughout the history of Christianity. 

Looking at “new theology” it’s important to note that there’s nothing new under the sun. Similar to the rest Christianity, Anglicanism isn’t immune from heretical ideas or legalistic tendencies. Looking at its history then can help both Anglicanism and other Christian denominations navigate today’s issues, no matter the theological fad. 

With Anglicanism’s emphasis towards historic beliefs dating back to the Church Fathers, Packer also helps bridge the gap between Protestantism and Ancient Faith. On both sides of the debate, some argue if Anglicans are protestants or not. Regardless of status, Packer throughout the book argues that they share the historic fundamentals of the faith that they should work together. With his position, all should read it because it will help bring more Christians together.