Advice That Will “Move” You!


Throughout my life, I’ve moved more times than I care. Believe it or not, I’ve moved a staggering 23 times before college and even more over the next 20 years. Despite the statistic or the reasons for my moves, no matter how much moving experience I have, it still takes time, but a few things help make it easier.

1. Start With What You Know

No matter where I live, I want things universally situated in each location. For example, how my desk is organized, things I want on top of the TV, or even clothes situated a certain way. I use an essential technique to remember where things go by taking photos of how they are arranged before moving. That way, if I need to remember how items should be placed, I have an easy reference on my phone. Knowing where a few things belong in advance helps create momentum for me to place other objects in their new home.

2. Set A Pace

Unpacking doesn’t have to be done in one weekend. In fact, our recent unpacking occurred over weeks than days. It took us so long because we intentionally set a pace to keep ourselves from burning out. For example, I aimed to do at least one project daily when arranging our stuff. If I do more, great. If not, I’m content because it leaves me room to still live life. Maintaining this balance allows me to sift through all of my stuff than live in misery, let my stuff sit forever, and never be placed.

3. Trust Your Gut And Let Go of Stuff

It’s tempting to keep all of our stuff forever. After all, we might need that random item for something later on. When moving, I’ve not been afraid to throw something out once it’s reached a new home. If it’s clutter and useless, I get rid of it. Trust me, rarely will you miss an item you’ve discarded.

When moving from Kentucky to Alabama, I didn’t bring anything that couldn’t fit in my car. I remember very few of those items; hardly any I genuinely miss. Letting go of much of it was therapeutic, allowing me a fresh start when I needed a restart. When you arrive at your new location, getting rid of your items will allow you the restart you need. Trust your gut, let go of things, and keep what you need. Purging through your stuff is easier than you realize.

These are some tips from my moving experiences. No one likes to move, but it’s occasionally necessary. I hope you can use this advice to create momentum for your next move. No matter the path, let a change of address become an inspirational and “moving” experience than a dreaded one!