Recommended Devotional Guides


page45_picture0_slide_1312245123Recently I wrote an article encouraging you that there is always time to have a personal devotional. All it takes is a little planning and knowing what options are available. One of my suggestions included the use of a personal devotional guide. As a result, today I want to suggest to you some great devotional books. These suggestions are based a variety of reasons, which I’ll explain with each recommendation.

  1. New Morning Mercies by Paul Tripp. This suggestion is the newest one to be published. It makes the list because of Tripp’s emphasis on grace each day. Recently, it has been my conviction that Christians need to be reminded of grace on a continual basis. Also, we need to remember how grace influences our lives beyond salvation. Grace should create a peaceful, hopeful, and positive change within us. This devotional accomplishes this because it is Christ-centered than one based on our interests.
  1. My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. Many may already be familiar with this devotional because it is a classic. It’s strength is due to Chamber’s own reflections about how God works despite our circumstances. Chambers himself went through years of spiritual dryness, which is reflected in this devotional. So if you feel distant from God or confused then My Utmost For His Highest will provide some clarity. The best part of this devotional is that it comes in a variety of formats. There are journal based editions, old English editions, contemporary English editions, and more.

  1. Our Daily Bread Devotional Collection by various authors. Unlike other devotionals mentioned on this list, Our Daily Bread can be obtained for free from RBC Ministries. All they ask is for a periodic donation of any amount. Its a good deal because each year they write a new set of devotionals. That said the precise book mentioned in this suggestion is a collection of the best devotionals from Our Daily Bread. So this is a great volume to purchase, as you’ll have the best devotionals written by RBC Ministries.
  1. Experiencing God Day-By-Day Devotional by Henry and Richard Blackaby. Admittedly, we all forget things we learn, even the best things. The truths found from Experiencing God are no different. Thankfully though, the Blackaby’s have authored a devotional to reinforce how to know and do the will of God each day. Therefore, this is a great devotional for any Christian to either learn or relearn how to relate to God and His will.
  1. Streams in the Dessert by L.B. Cowman. For many this is another classic. Unlike My Utmost For His Highest that focuses on how God works in our lives, this classic emphasizes how we should respond. This devotional is great for anyone facing a season of discouragement, dryness, or even withdrawal from God, including anger. By reading Streams in the Dessert you can begin to take action as you wait on the Lord.

In conclusion, there are always more devotionals that could be listed. These however are the top five I recommend. You may have some additional favorites. No matter the one you choose, as long as the devotional points you towards scripture and Christ, it will serve you well. Also, please check out the next post that will address some concerns with devotionals and what to discern away from. In the meantime, share them in the comments section below your favorite devotional!