Having coached people and teams across different industries, I love helping people discover their purpose and goals. From Military to Finance to Healthcare, let me coach you towards your better future!
Over 20 years, I’ve given public speeches across my career, within the church, and in the Army. Doing so has allowed me to gain expertise in various topics with which I have given numerous speeches.
Two areas that I love to train organizations through are either personality assessments or leadership programs. From DISC to the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People to more, imagine what your team can do as you self-discover together!


My Dark Hope
In recent years I’ve learned two things about myself. First, despite many reasons to remain negative, I’m relentlessly hopeful. Over time, a product of my

Book Review: Personality and Worldview
As a seminary graduate trained in two different personality assessments (The Four Lenses and DISC), I found Personality and Worldview by J.H. Bavinck a welcomed

Advice That Will “Move” You!
Throughout my life, I’ve moved more times than I care. Believe it or not, I’ve moved a staggering 23 times before college and even more