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Photography Fridays: Birds Have Nests & We Need Rest


Over the past few weeks I’ve shared pictures in this blog series and given my own thoughts about their meaning. This week I’m simply going to start sharing a picture I’ve taken along with a scripture verse or quotation association with the photo. Like any work of art the wonderful thing about photography is that each person can interpret his or her own meaning. So I’m going to do this more than offering a long explanation from my own perspective. This doesn’t mean I won’t ever blog alongside the photos, but I won’t be writing as frequently in this series as before. This is because I want the photo’s to speak for themselves; minus a scripture or quote that concisely associates with the picture. With that said, here is this week’s entry. I hope you enjoy it because it’s one of my favorites.


Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.” (Luke 9:58)