Autumn is a season of beauty.
Days become cooler,
Leaves change, creating a beautiful tapestry,
Foliage touches both plains and mountains.
Autumn is a season of reward.
Fruits of labor are collected.
Livestock is tended.
Crops are canned for consumption.
Even God’s creatures gather their final collections before winter.
Autumn is a season of reward.
Humanity, God’s very image, must accept the results of the year’s harvest.
It’s a season of acceptance as we see the results of God’s grace.
Autumn precedes a season of rest.
To let go of one’s work and not replace it.
Autumn precludes a season of reflection.
We look back at prior seasons and celebrate our victories,
There we learn from our mistakes to avoid future pain.
Autumn is a season of dependence.
Reliance on God’s provision for results of our hard work.
A realization that letting go creates a pause that becomes a Winter Rest.