Critical Decisions Require Time, Focus, & Facts
Towards the end of World War 2, we saw where Stalin, Churchill, and Rosevelt divided the Eastern European countries and territories. Long story short, their
Towards the end of World War 2, we saw where Stalin, Churchill, and Rosevelt divided the Eastern European countries and territories. Long story short, their
No texting for 28-days that is my goal! This announcement has brought curiosity from friends and family. Some wonder “how” I’m going to abstain from
In 2015 I did not set any New Year’s Resolutions. Rather, I chose to focus on a “One-Word Goal” for that year; The word was
In a previous post the story was shared on my friends tardiness during a lunch appointment. The experience taught me a theoretical balance towards being
My lunch appointment is late, and admittedly I feel its rude. After all, I work three jobs, am trying to build up my own business,
Today I had the chance to fly with the Army Battalion where I serve. This flight is not my first, but one that taught me
Creation and creating is a beautiful thing. No matter if it’s a work we create from something, or if it is something God creates from nothing.
“Don’t answer a fool according to his foolishness or you’ll be like him yourself.” (Proverbs 26:4) During my undergraduate degree one professor gave me a piece of
“A hopeful person can never be critical!” The above quote is the view many people have when they think of someone who is hopeful or